Sunday, December 19, 2010

FDA, Walgreens Puts Pathway Genetic Test Sales on Hold

Walgreen Drug Stores initially plans to begin retail sales of in-home genetic test on Friday that allows the consumer to evaluate his or her risk of diseases such as breast cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease. The largest network of drugstores of the country decided to put sales on hold after a warning FDA, the test is not approved and may put consumers at risk.
The test requires a permit FDA, since it includes a device that allows consumers to collect their own DNA. The Agency is also concerned about the fine line between medical diagnosis and the simple provision of information to consumers.
FDA Press Secretary Erica Jefferson said, "We have no record of this test are presented for approval or clearance, so we'll look at the claims. We want to make sure that the information provided to the consumer, is accurate and that any product is going to to do what he says. "
Jim Cohn, a spokesman for Walgreen said: "In light of the FDA contacting Pathway Genomics of its genetic test kit and anticipated ongoing discussions between the two parties, we decided not to go ahead with the proposed path of the product to our customers until we have further clarity on this issue "said Jim Cohn, Walgreens spokesman.
Path test, called Insight, already in the interactive mode, as well as similar tests. Recently, actress Glenn Close had her genome sequence by a company called Illumina, which was more in-depth study of the structural characteristics of DNA, for example, deletions and restructuring. Her desire to take the test associated with a family history of mental illness, according to the Huffington Post.
The test kit is made by Pathway Genomics, consists of a tube of saliva collection and postage-paid envelope for customers to send their samples Path lab for testing. In the laboratory, the test is not only the human genome sequence, but instead looks at the most common genetic variations of code called single nucleotide polymorphisms, or SNP, which are associated with risk of disease, health status, as well as sensitivity to certain drugs.
According to the company's site, track test report of genetic risks for about 61 diseases and susceptibility to adverse events during the eight drugs. Only adults can get their full test results. Children under 18 will receive only those risks that affect the health of children.
Jeffrey Vance, MD PhD, chairman of genetics at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, said in an interview with WebMD, that way the tests are likely accurate, because it was not sequenced the entire genome. This means that the test could probably pinpoint the common variations of genes, but can not give information about the less variation, which also increases the risk.
Must pass a test approved by FDA, Walgreen will sell test from $ 20 and $ 30, with the exception of New York state, where laws are already in a block sale of the test. However, this is not where the cost of consumer applications.
In order to obtain the results (online), the user must select one of the following packages: "Drug Response" Results for $ 79, "Pre-pregnancy planning" for $ 179, and "Health Conditions" for $ 179. Get all the results will be worth $ 249.
Genetic testing to help dieters lose weightGenetic counseling for positive results is also available at $ 40 per 20 minutes of talk time or $ 99 per hour.
If you buy a genetic test for a personal health risk, what will you do with the results? Point test to determine the health risks of certain conditions which are not managed, so you can take steps to lifestyle habits that are under your control. Genes are only part of the equation for good health. For example, if the test tells you that you have a predisposition to diabetes, you have to work to support the weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise, and ask your doctor about fasting blood sugar at an annual medical examination.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

MEDIHONEY Eradicates MRSA From Chronic Venous Ulcers

Derma Sciences core product, MEDIHONEY wound Record Making Activity honey Leptospermum, was found in a large randomized controlled clinical trials to significantly reduce the presence of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) in chronic wounds.
MRSA continues to dominate global headlines as a formidable nosocomial infections by killing thousands of patients each year and become a heavy burden on healthcare costs. The number of hospital admissions for MRSA has increased dramatically over the past ten years, with a 300% increase in 2005 over that in 2000, and 1000% more than in 1995. Conservative estimates suggest a global figure to 53 million people carrying MRSA. Bacteria resistant to common antibiotics such as methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin, oxacillin, and quickly adapt to the new. Historically, MRSA was most common among people with weak immune systems living in hospitals or long-term care centers. However, increasingly present in healthy people, causing community-acquired MRSA.
Commenting, CEO Ed Quilty stated, "This study was presented last year at the European Management Association wounds, and we are delighted that work has been recognized in such a well-regarded peer-reviewed journal serving the wounds on the world market. MRSA, which is currently time coverage outside of hospitals and nursing homes in the community, claims more lives than AIDS in some countries. MEDIHONEY ability to eradicate the Superbug, as well as helping chronic wounds to progress towards healing, making it a truly unique product in the field of wounds. Together with our global partners to commercialize Comvita, have seen steady growth in sales and interest in the product line since its launch. "
Trial, 108-patient randomized and controlled clinical trials looked at venous leg ulcers that have proved non-healing under standard treatment (compression therapy). In the study, half of the patients had a common advanced wound care gel added to standard treatment, and half of them active Leptospermum Comvita (in Manuka) Honey (now marketed under the brand name MEDIHONEY) added. After four weeks, 70% MEDIHONEY treated wounds, compared with only 16% of the hydrogel treated wounds MRSA eradicated.
Published in this month, Wound care, research paper "Bacteriological Changes in venous leg ulcers squishy treated with Manuka Honey or Hydrogel: RCT", was written by leading investigators Georgina T. Gethin and Seamus working on the farm, both from the Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland . They concluded that for sloughy venous ulcers, "the effectiveness of honey in eliminating MRSA in such wounds a positive conclusion, which may have implications for the management of wounds and infection control."
Wound care is a major healthcare market with an estimated value of $ 10 billion in 2007 and is projected to grow to $ 12.5 billion in 2012. Global double-digit growth is ensured by several factors including an aging population, rising global incidence of diabetes and chronic vascular disorders, and steady progress in the technologies of wounds. The advanced wound care portion includes a wide range of disparate technologies that includes dressings and other devices.  

The three main categories for seasoning: Traditional treatment of wounds, such as gauze, bandages wet, used to control the main issues of moisture and active dressings which include technologies that provide additional benefits, such as antimicrobial activity. Active category is the fastest among the three. A recent market research report on the details of Kalorama Information honey-based dressings emergence as a growing sub-category within active dressings.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

50 Hour Surgery Resident Work Week Seen as Failure in Switzerland

There has been much written about patient safety, adverse impact on overburdened residents. This led to a reduction in hours for residents. Although not all countries regulate working hours, those that the maximum number of hours per week for a doctor in training can range from as little as 37 hours in Denmark to 80 hours in the United States.
There has been a concern especially in surgery training programs, reduction of working hours adversely affects the quality of surgical training. The problem is the focus of an article in the June issue of Archives of Surgery.
In an attempt to see how these restrictions affect teaching and patient care, Daniel Oertli, MD, of University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland, and colleagues conducted an anonymous survey of residents and consultants in 52 countries from 93 surgical departments. Of 281 residents and 337 consultants, 405 responded.
In Switzerland, from January 1, 2005 population was limited to an hour to 50 hours per week. Every day, day and night work should be limited to 14 hours including all breaks and rest time each day must equal or exceed 11 consecutive hours. Residents are not allowed to work more than two hours overtime except in rare cases and overtime can not exceed 140 hours per year.
Oertli and his colleagues found that only 8.1% of the population and only 4.9% of surgical consultants feel the changes have been useful for surgical training.
More than half of those who responded to the survey (62.8% or residents, 77% of consultants) felt limited the working week had a negative impact on surgical training.
Both residents and consultants (76.9% and 73.4% respectively) said that while the fallen. It has long been one of the questions that critics reduced working hours for surgical residents worry will lead to a decrease in surgical skills.
More consultant than residents (70.1% compared to 43%) thought the quality of patients care has decreased.
Both residents and consultants (58.4% and 81.5% respectively) said the quality of life of residents has improved.
Oertli and colleagues fell 50 hours of constraint failure in Switzerland, but this one study will not address issues on the surgical residents work hours. Controversy over resident fatigue leads to medical errors that undermine the safety of patients and shorter working hours leads to a decrease in surgical skills will continue at this time.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Unintentional Injury Mortality Rate Steady In Multnomah County

Unintentional injuries are the leading cause of death among teenagers, the second leading cause of death among children and is one of the five leading causes of death among adults in Multnomah County. Unintentional injuries are common causes are sluchaynymi.Naibolee traffic accidents, poisoning, fires, drowning and falls. Unintentional injury death rates are the same for Multnomah County, Oregon, and the United States.
According to a new report issued by Multnomah County Health Department, Multnomah: unintentional injuries, violence, and premature death:
African American and Hispanic unintentional injury death rate declined significantly between 1991-1995 and 2001-2005 periody.Afroamerikantsev decreased from 49 per 100,000 to 34 per 100,000, and Hispanics dropped from 42 per 100,000 to 25 per 100,000.
In recent years, the mortality rate due to unintentional injuries for African Americans (34 per 100,000) and Hispanics (25 per 100,000 population) was lower than the rate for white non-Hispanics (38 per 100,000).
Rates of vehicle-related deaths decreased by 19% in Multnomah County between 1991 and 2005 godah.Snizhenie was noted in all racial and ethnic groups.
More than three quarters of unintentional injuries due to falls were among adults age 75 and older in 2001-2005.
In Multnomah County homicide rates were consistently higher among blacks than other races / ethnic groups, but among African-Americans dropped by more than 50% since the beginning of the 1990s, with a high level of 46 per 100,000 in 1991-1995 to 17 per 100,000 in 2001-2005.
By Multnomah County Health Department Director Lillian Shirley, "a decline in homicides in African American and Hispanic population is very good news as the reduction of vehicle-related deaths. Public health will continue to explore how public policy and education can affect unintentional injuries."

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Poor Recovery Frequent After Surgery

Research shows that poor recovery frequent among patients who undergo elective surgery, up to one year. One of the seven patients reported more pain, disability and emotional problems, and one fourth report of the less viable a year after the operation, which ranged from plastic surgery to orthopedic surgery.

Researchers from the Netherlands surveyed 216 women and 185 men who underwent elective surgery. "Our study showed poor recovery was relatively frequent six and 12 months after surgery and may be partly explained by different physical and psychological factors," says Dr. Madelon Peters from the Department of Clinical Psychological Science at Maastricht University. "These include acute postoperative pain and preoperative anxiety."

Seventeen Percent of Patients have More Pain one Year After Surgery

Researchers say the results show the importance of monitoring patients on the results. Seventeen percent of respondents had more pain one year after surgery, 16 percent reported emotional problems, and 24 percent reported less vitality.
Of the 400 patients interviewed, only 47 percent said they felt completely recovered after one year.
Peters said: "Our study showed that 15% of patients reporting pain still, and physical and emotional problems, one year after surgery, while 24% felt they had less energy than before their operation." Researchers say that patients who were concerned about before having surgery were lower than the average improvement in physical function and buy Valium.
Most of the changes in quality of life after surgery was scheduled for six months and then remained stabilnym.Avtory say: "It is clearly important to monitor how patients recover during this period, as initially poor recovery may have lasting consequences." More painful operations were associated with worse physical functioning after a year and a lower perception of recovery.